Examination: Causes of Pyrexia
Possible OSCE scenario: You are the doctor covering the medical wards and have been asked to review a patient on the ward with a fever of 38.5 degrees. Please examine the patient and explain to the examiner what you would do next.
Examination Technique
- Introduce yourself
- Wash your hands
- Explain to the patient that you have been asked to review them due to a high temperature
- Ask for the patients observations – if any signs that patient is unwell/septic advise you would asses using ABCD technique, otherwise continue as below
- Look at the patient from the end of the bed:
- Look for any obvious signs of infection or abnormality– e.g. tachypnoea,
- Review the hands:
- Peripheral stigmata of infective endocarditis
- Feel the temperature
- Capillary refill
- Feel the pulse:
- Feel for rate and rhythm, and pulse volume
- Look at both arms:
- Look for any areas of erythema or rashes
- Look at any peripheral access points (cannula’s, PICC lines) – check dates on them and check surrounding skin areas
- Feel the neck
- Feel for any enlarged lymph nodes – if any are enlarged note if they are unilateral or bilateral and state what they feel like (rubbery, firm, mobile)
- Check for neck stiffness
- Look in the mouth
- Check for enlarged tonsils
- Check for any oral infections – e.g. candida, ulcerations
- Check mucosal membranes
- Look for any abnormalities in the lips and tongue (Kawasaki disease)
- Look in the eyes
- Offer to check the retinae with a fundoscope
- Look at the rest of the body for a full skin examination (ensure undress patient fully to check all areas)
- Erythema
- Scars, wound infections
- Rashes
- Explain at this point you would do a full cardiac, respiratory, neurological and abdominal examination but will concentrate on the main points now.
- Respiratory:
- Listen to the chest for any signs of infection – crepitations, bronchial breathing
- Cardiac:
- Feel the apex beat
- Listen to the heart sounds for any murmurs
- Examine the abdomen:
- Feel for any tenderness
- Feel for any enlarged organs (spleen)
- Listen for bowel sounds
- Neurology examination if indicated:
- Kernigs sign
- Any cranial nerve deficits or peripheral neurology
- Thank the patient
- Summarise what you have found
- Explain to the examiner what you would do next:
- Take a full history
- Explain you would like to do a full septic screen:
- Full set of bloods including FBC and CRP
- Blood cultures
- Urine dip +/- MC&S
- Chest X-ray
- Specific investigations if anything picked up on examination e.g, sputum sample, wound swab
- Explain you would like to give the patient paracetamol to bring their fever down (check allergies and whether has already had)
- If the patient had any signs of sepsis or SIRS explain you would resuscitate the patient e.g. IV fluids and treat appropriately e.g. antibiotics
- Explain you would like to read through the patients notes and drug chart to check if any history of infection or risk factors
- Pyrexia = temperature above the normal range
- Usually considered > 37.5 degrees
- Pyrexia of unknown origin = fever of over 38.3 degrees or greater for at least 3 weeks with no identified cause after 3 days of hospital evaluation or three outpatient visits
Differential Diagnosis
- Most common infections:
- Bacterial:
- Chest infection
- Urinary infection
- Cellulitis
- GI – gastroenteritis, cholangitis
- Viral infections
- Influenza
- Rare infections but important to rule out:
- Infective Endocarditis
- Meningitis
- Encephalitis
- HIV (seroconversion)
- Non-infective causes:
- Inflammatory: Inflammatory bowel disease, Kawasaki disease, Juvenile RA
- Neoplastic: ALL, lymphoma
- Drugs/toxins
written by: naina_mccann, first posted on: 12/11/15; 12:40
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