Examination: Lymph Nodes
- Wash hands
- Introduce yourself
- Ask permission to examine patient
- Expose patient down to underwear
- Reposition lying flat
- Around patient - e.g.: for medications
- Patient as a whole - do they look well? Cachectic? Any obvious swelling of limbs (suggestive of possible lymphoedema?
Examination of Lymph Node groups:
- Lymph node groups to examine:
- Head and neck
- Submental
- Submandibular
- Pre-auricular
- Anterior cervical
- Supraclavicular
- Infraclavicular
- Posterior auricular
- Occipital
- Axillary
- Apical
- Anterior
- Posterior
- Lateral (on the medial aspect of humerus)
- Inguinal (between pubic tubercle and anterior superior iliac spine)
- Popliteal fossa
- Head and neck
- If you feel a lymph node or lump anywhere, you must know how to describe it in an OSCE scenario.
- Everyone has their own methods for describing lumps. I like to remember what to include by remembering them as the 3 S's, 3 T's, and 3 C's:
- 3 S's: site, size, shape
- 3 T's: temperature, tenderness, tethering
- 3 C's: colour, contour, consistency
- Everyone has their own methods for describing lumps. I like to remember what to include by remembering them as the 3 S's, 3 T's, and 3 C's:
To end my examination, I would like to:
- Take a full history from the patient
- Examine this patient's vascular system (and any other relevant/local system to check for cause of lymphadenopathy - see below).
Causes of Lympadenopathy
- Idiopathic
- Infiltration
- Primary carcinoma: lymphoma, leukaemia
- Secondary carcinoma: e.g.: due to melanoma, thyroid carcinoma, breast, bowel, lung, prostate, kidney, or head and neck cancers
- Non-infective
- Sarcoidosis
- Amyloidosis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Eczema, psoriasis
- Drugs, e.g.: phenytoin
- Inflammation and infection
- Local infection e.g.: pharyngitis
- Bacterial: tuberculosis, syphillis, brucella
- Viral: EBV, HIV, HSV, hepatitis
- Other: toxoplasmosis
written by: celine_lakra, first posted on: 1/03/12, 17:00
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